Dragonzord Bust


Power Rangers Green Ranger’s Dragonzord Bust

Available in several sices and finishes
If you want a larger size, you may always send me a message.

Height of the bust:
5,91 inches = 15 centimeters
3,94 inches = 10 centimeters
2,76 inches = 8 centimeters

Shipping Time
1 Month


The Power Rangers use their Morphers to change into their costumed forms, initiating an instantaneous transformation or metamorphosis. A Morpher gives a Ranger access to their costume along with enhanced strength, speed and durability to fight monsters.

They each contained a Power Coin (purportedly created by Ninjor) embossed with an image of each Ranger’s dinosaur/other prehistoric beast. The Power Morphers resembled metallic belt buckles and were worn as such by the Rangers in their morphed form. In their day-to-day lives the teens’ generally wore them discretely on the backs of their belts or carried them separately to avoid suspicion.

Additional information

Weight 0.500 kg


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